What Are the Best Research Resources for my Topic?


The library has three tools to help you find the best research resources for your topic.

1. TSU Library Learning Center Homepage

  • There is a keyword search bar on our Homepage so you don't need to pick a library resource first-- just enter keywords related to your topic and TSU library search engines will do a comprehensive search, including all our books, and articles in every subject area


  • Steps:
    1. Enter your keywords in the search box, for example, Plato Republic justice
    2. Select the facets you want, for example, Peer Reviewed Journals, or Format: Book
    3. Notice the citation example below, Click View Online to access digital copies, or the item's title for information on how to access it


2. Databases by Subject

  • This page, linked above, lists the most important databases in every subject at Texas Southern University

3. Research Guides 

  • Find a guide for your subject or class. Look through the tabs in the guide for ready reference answers, to see the best databases to search, also get help with books, websites, and more!
  • Last Updated Jul 21, 2020
  • Views 119
  • Answered By Nicolas Castellanos

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